We have rechecked our production philosophy. We are not treading along blindly in the footsteps of our 100 year past nor are we automatically throwing out the baby with the bath water.

TODAY we are working to ensure that our product is raised as naturally as is possible in the pristine areas of the Sandhills untouched by man-made herbicides/pesticides or fertilizers.

TODAY we are utilizing handling practices to treat our livestock humanely and provide a high quality product with out bruises or foreign material.

 TODAY we are doing everything possible (including single ownership from breeding to processing) in order to stay abreast of technology and ensure a safe supply of meat for you.

TODAY we are working to provide products that will meet the individual needs of YOU - an individual, as our customer. Organic, hormone free, lean, marbled, young, old, grass fattened or corn-fed beef are all options we can and do provide.

 TODAY our aim is to raise cattle that will provide you the rest of the country - the world with a good tasting, enjoyable, nutritious, protein source. JHL BEEF is currently being sold as supermarkets’ own private label meats in Virginia, Michigan, Ohio, Nebraska and other areas of the country.

 It is our belief that the closer YOU the customer are to the beginning (the genetic decisions determining the breeding) the more accountable we can and will have to be. Accountability is not necessarily the way of the past or of today but we believe it is the correct way.



Soli Deo Gloria