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JHL - COW Talk For the COW Person

Herd Management Decisions
8. Raildata (Carcass Data)

In reviewing our harvest or raildata in 1994 it seemed that there was not only room for improvement but an opportunity to manage something that had not been managed before. Since then our genetic and management decisions have been tracked, analyzed and implemented on a year-to-year and cow-by-cow basis.

(The harvest data has been utilized along with other data that helps us decide the best mama cows to keep as our ranch ‘factories”.)

The raildata has provided specific information that is actively utilized in tailoring the JHL cow and bull herd in breeding and buying decisions. Increased rib-eye size, lowered percent of Standards, increased marbling and improved yield grades while increasing carcass weights with younger cattle have been achieved.

At this point in time almost all the cows on the JHL are AI’d (Artificially Inseminated).  Each cow on the ranch has an individual record of progeny that have either been taken to the rail or used for replacements.  Based on these records, they are individually mated in our AI program.  The mating philosophy is to provide the JHL with as consistent well rounded set of females as possible, fertile, efficient producing high quality beef.

Our harvest data shows we have been successful in doing just that. 

JHL Herd

Soli Deo Gloria


All Content ©2003 - JHL Beef